Sunday, October 27, 2024
HomeOpinions & People"Car-Hacking" may turn into Nightmare

“Car-Hacking” may turn into Nightmare

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There was a report on the Business Insider recently, which said that commuters and people are not willingly falling for the fact that their cars may be hacked or may be vulnerable to attacks by hackers. Here’s why being brave can be dangerous for them. Welcome to car hacking.

Remote Car Breaking using Cellphone

According to a survey released by Kelley Blue Book, about 62 per cent of consumers in U.S have a strong perception that cars connected to the Internet are more hack-able. The counter statement to this survey was given by 42% of respondents who liked their cars to be in the connectivity zone all the time. The numbers buffed up when the millennials in the sample population agreed to the fact of Internet connectivity at 60%. Furthermore, one third who didn’t like the idea of their cars not having technology assistance preferred to look for alternatives or even other cars.

The respondents who took the survey were unshaken by the fact that they really would face security threats, as the numbers of those that said that they would not use an application that has a window of possibility of their car getting hacked, dropped to a mere  13%. Therefore, it seems clear that automakers would not be able to rely on the customer to keep the car protected from hackers, notes Jonathan Camhi, research analyst for BI Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service.

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To add on, the number of people who have actually heard that such car hacks can take place are a mere 26% of the sample population.  This is threatening and more alarming when we come to know that the awareness factor is at a negligible low. Furthermore, 56% of the car owners and consumers want the automobile experts and car companies to address this problem than taking things into their own hands. This brings us to the movie snippet from Die Hard 4.0 where Matthew ‘Matt’ Farrell played Justin long hacks into a BMW stating to the cars internal computer that his dad is in a state of heart arrest. He successfully hacks through the security system in car despite repeated denial as John McClane played by Bruce Willis has aimlessly tries to comprehend the situation that a car could be hacked by voice command itself.

Consumers are trying to move the whole ball game to companies, which makes the companies more concerned now. It may be speculated that companies will have major problem in the near future in meeting consumer expectations when personal accounts, bank accounts and passwords are linked to their cars; security issues may become infinitely bigger.

Courtsey: Consumers don’t care if their connected car can get hacked – here’s why that’s a problem

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