With the advent of IOT, we are drifting into an era of smart things. We started with smart phones, smart watches, then moved on to smart TVs, smart refrigerators, smart bulbs, smart electric meters, and combining them all together we now have smart homes. We also talk about smart traffic management, smart car parking, smart retail, smart healthcare, smart energy, smart industries, smart cities and may be a smart planet too.
But why is every ‘thing’ getting smart?
Is it just a marketing gimmick? Or things are really getting smart.
• Or Is it because of some small things which are getting smaller and smaller. The sensors. We now have accelerometers, gyroscopes, proximity sensors, humidity sensors, GPS location sensors, all in the size range of millimeters. A typical smartphone itself has about 10 sensors on an average. Is this proliferation of small-sized sensors, is what making things smart?
• Or is it because of some massive things, the servers, The cloud. Computing is becoming incredibly powerful day by day and its growing exponentially with more capacity, more performance, more capability and more change in the next 10 years than the last 50. Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Predictive & Prescriptive Intelligence all are possible because of these big machines. So can we say, The Cloud is making everything smart.
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