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HomeOpinions & PeopleThe DNA Of Automobiles Is Evolving With Panache Telematics

The DNA Of Automobiles Is Evolving With Panache Telematics

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TelematicsSubhash Pawase CEO of Panache Telematics talks to Shanosh Kumar From EFY Group focussing on the future of Intelligent automobile and Smart Transportation. Read more to find out how his opinion will trigger revolutions in the coming times within Smart automotive industry.

Q How will IoT lead smart-transportation and revolutionize the automotive sector?

A Information technology as well as the automotive sector have come a long way since OBD and non-OBD enabled vehicles. However, among most industries, the automotive sector has capitalized the opportunities provided by information technology the least or the slowest. For instance, vehicles manufactured prior to 2006 don’thave OBD II port to extract information from the vehicle electronic system. Vehicles manufactured post 2006 are equipped with OBD II port. This OBD II port has the capability to extract information to formulate course of action to be taken for repair or maintenance work in the event of scheduled maintenance or breakdown at service station.

While this reduces the uncertainties of repair works, it still is a curative approach. With the new technology, it is possible to create a course corrective path – where real time data can lead to real time course corrections recommendations, real time reviews of usage patterns, driving patterns or even predictive maintenance based on driving conditions. Just a few of the ways in which real time data tracking can be extremely useful are:
• Improve driving patterns
• Improve maintenance of vehicles thus improving the potential re-sale value of vehicles
• Keep users updated on PUC, maintenance dates
• Track minute by minute vehicle and driver movements even in case of accidents
The list just goes on!IOT led smart transportation can revolutionize not just the automotive industry but improve user behavior, adherence to good driving habits and more!

Q Please let us know the latest innovation/ prototype that is being worked upon?

A As an organization, our DNA is the sharp focus on customer needs. We fully understand the challenges in customers’ lives and our products are designed to address their safety across different platforms.

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  • Addressing the security needs of school children traveling in buses: We have already implemented this solution with traditional vehicle tracking devices and OBD II devices. With these tracking devices parents know exactly how long a bus takes to pick up their children, if their child has boarded the bus or not and if he has reached the school – both for drops and pickups, as well as track the exact location of the vehicle at any given point of time
  • This solution keeps vehicle owners with drivers a peace – it helps them track not just location information but also speed, stoppages and even get a picture of the driver on the seat. This solution can even Stall your car in case of a theft! Adding that layer of extreme confidence for any car owner. Some part of it like real-time tracking without actually installing the tracker can be fetched with a device that is having rechargeable battery and can run for 10-12 days. Small car owners can avail this as well as large fleet owners can avail all of these services

These are just a few benefits of these solutions…. Depending on customer needs the benefits can be customised as well.

Integrating Vehicle safety and GPS Tracking System

Q Please list some key components and devices that are supporting your current smart transportation initiative?

A We’re a technology focused organization and innovate using either today’s or tomorrow’s technology platforms. The key components vary based on type of requirement and quantum of requirement.

Q What are the challenges of implementing this concept especially in India?

A While there are many opportunities, the biggest challenge will be the penetration of the 3G coverage. However, penetration of 2G network is more or less satisfactory.Many components of IOT based smart transportation system are unique in nature here in India. Another uncontrollable challenge is the sudden closure or diversion of road without advance information. Compared to India, developed countries the availability of number of channels for data communication is much higher and more reliable.

Q How will this revolutionize the Manufacturing and servicing of vehicles?

A The revolution of the manufacturing and servicing of vehicle is unprecedented! This will also benefit the vehicle re-sale industry. The real time usage pattern information can help manufacturers to:

  • make necessary changes in the original design to improve safety, efficiency and durability of the vehicles
  • Vehicle Manufacturers will be more accurate and economical in determining age of vehicle parts under wear and tear
  • It will enable both manufacturers and service stations to account for factors like maximum engine temperature reached, temperature of surroundings, humidity, rain, proximity to sea
  • Build materials that are more weather or usage condition proof
  • Improve maintenance quality thus improving re-sale value
  • Create a benchmark and thus more parity in re-sale pricing not basis no of years of vehicle and kilometers done but more on the real basis of condition of car and its parts

Q Most of this will not just enable manufacturers but also empower them in more ways than one? How?

A Security is a concern since there is user data involved? Is there a vulnerability here? how is it addressed?
One has to treat all user data with the same sacro sanctity that is associated with transacting on bank accounts, transacting on Paytm as well. Fortunately, that is a lesson that time has long taught to serious business people.

Q Automation and Driver-less cars. What is your opinion if the whole automotive focus shifts to this in near future?

A Fortunately, driver-less cars are closer to reality than ever before. With the sharp focus of many international players it may take a lesser time in the developed countries and a little more for countries like ours to implement.
The biggest road blocks being driving discipline and the ratio of available road surface area to the number of vehicles per kilometer lengthwise.What will take off much faster in countries like ours will be automated parking assistance and move slowly towards fully automated operations.
None of which will take away from IoT, but only add to it

Q Iot is now fabric which is on us even without us realising. Its everywhere. What would be your recommendations for improvements?

A The Internet of Things, is an emerging global Internet-based technical architecture.

  •  It facilitates know how of goods and services in international supply chain,
  • Has an impact on the security and privacy of the involved stakeholders,
  • Measures the architecture’s resilience to attacks, data authentication, efficient and effective access control which ensures client privacy.

An adequate legal framework must take the underlying technology into account and would best be established by an international legislator, which is supplemented by the private sector according to specific needs and thereby becomes easily modified. The contents of the respective legislation must encompass the right to information, provisions prohibiting or restricting the use of mechanisms of the Internet of Things, rules on IT-security-legislation, provisions supporting the use of mechanisms of the Internet of Things and the establishment of a task force doing research on the legal challenges of the IoT.

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