AI In Manufacturing To Reach $20.2 Billion Globally By 2025: ResearchAndMarkets

  • AI chipset marketplace will transform the entire embedded system ecosystem with a multitude of AI capabilities
  • The concept of using AI in networking is a relatively new area that will require a more unified approach to fully realize its potential

The AI in manufacturing market will reach $20.2 Billion globally by 2025 with 35.3 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) as per a report by ResearchAndMarkets. The report titled, “Artificial Intelligence Market by Technology, Infrastructure, Components, Devices, Solutions, and Industry Verticals 2020-2025” also said that Asia-Pacific and North America AI markets will reach $59 billion and $55.4 billion respectively by 2025. Artificial intelligence in IoT devices will exceed $105 billion in North America by 2025 with 28 per cent CAGR.

AI chipset to transform the entire embedded system ecosystem

The report also said that the AI chipset marketplace will transform the entire embedded system ecosystem with a multitude of AI capabilities like deep machine learning, image detection among others. AI chipsets will become an integral part of both AI software and systems and critical support of any data-intensive operation. They will drastically improve processing for various functions and enhance overall computing performance

Computing at the edge of IT and communications networks will require a different kind of intelligence. AI will be required for both security (data and infrastructure) and to optimise the flow of information in the form of streaming data and the ability to optimize decision-making via real-time data analytics.

AI to automate decision making

The report added, “Edge networks will be the point of the spear so to speak when it comes to data handling, meaning that streaming data will be available for processing and decision-making. While advanced data analytics software solutions can be very effective for this purpose, there will be opportunities to enhance real-time data analytics by way of leveraging AI to automate decision making and to engage machine learning for ongoing efficiency and effectiveness improvements.”

As per the report, the role and importance of AI in 5G ranges from optimizing resource allocation to data security and protection of network and enterprise assets. The concept of using AI in networking is a relatively new area that will require a more unified approach to fully realize its big potential.

The report said that AI will assist 5G network slicing. It will also automate the process of assigning network slices that will include informing enterprise customers when the slices they are requesting are not in their best interest based on anticipated network conditions.

In terms of service logic, the ability to capture streaming data, determine valuable attributes, and make decisions in real-time will added a new dimension. AI will support data management across all of these areas. The report said that the growing amount of human-oriented and machine-generated from communications, applications, content, and commerce data will push substantial opportunities for AI support of unstructured data analytics solutions.

The report said, “The outlook for AI in support of the ICT industry is strong, especially when one considers that the purpose of telecom and IT services is to support virtually every other industry in terms of communications, applications, content, and commerce.”