AI-based Platform To Monitor Stubble Burning Problem in India


Blue Sky Analytics, an Indian start-up is working on an AI-based platform called Zuri that it claims will be able to monitor and predict the adverse effects of stubble burning

Zuri is an AI-based platform developed by Blue Sky Analytics. It collects satellite data and feeds it into a dashboard that constantly monitors air quality and emissions.

One of the creators of the platform, Abhilasha Purwar, told Quint that the platform is still in its developmental stage and will be available in its full version by 2020. 

Tracking fires using AI

Zuri provides data on burning predictions, fire counts, expected crop waste and calorific value, high-risk zones, emissions and other data that can be used to monitor and impose regulations on stubble burning.

Purwar told Quint that it also hopes to serve as a marketplace for farmers to sell their waste crops which can be procured by government holdings or private players that can use the stubble for manufacturing or packaging purposes.

Blue Sky is constructing an automated data pipeline which is collecting data being fed by NASA, the European Space Agency and public APIs. The company is receiving almost 3-5 TB of data from the satellites on a monthly basis and by using AI this data is being organised and analysed to help Zuri predict better results, reported Quint.

It uses most of the information that’s needed and funnels it into the apps and the dashboard. So, if you zoom in to a particular district, you’ll get detailed information farm-, district-, and village-wise along with the intensity with which the fires are burning.

Source: Quint