ARM Rolls Out Advanced Automation Engine For Better IoT Connectivity Management

  • The new Pelion Connectivity Management 2.0 delivers advanced automation engine to scale IoT
  • New features enable organizations to automatically manage millions of devices across multiple countries and different networks
  • Portugal’s mobile network operator NOS will leverage Pelion Connectivity Management to migrate and manage their entire global IoT subscriber base

Mobile network operators (MNOs) believe that automation is the key to removing the connectivity barriers required for Internet of Things (IoT) to scale.

UK-based chip designer ARM agrees too, and so, it has launched a new version of its Pelion IoT platform to help MNOs manage IoT connectivity across all their devices.

The new Pelion Connectivity Management 2.0 delivers an enhanced automation engine to enable MNOs to automatically manage millions of devices across multiple countries and different networks, said ARM.

Operators can now drive additional revenue opportunities by enabling their enterprise clients with capabilities for automatically configuring their IoT devices, it added.

New Features

Automation capabilities now available with Pelion Connectivity Management 2.0 include:

  • Real-time data triggers: Create rules that are triggered by what’s happening in the physical world
  • Seamless remote Subscriber Identity Module (eSIM) provisioning management: As devices travel the globe, the automation engine ensures the correct service and commercial configuration
  • Automating business processes: Reduce operational costs in IoT deployments and improve profit margins for MNOS providing IoT services

New Partnership

ARM has also entered into a new agreement with NOS, the largest communications and entertainment group in Portugal. NOS plans to leverage Pelion Connectivity Management 2.0 to help monetize their IoT connectivity and expand their service to customers outside of Portugal.

NOS will migrate their entire IoT subscriber base to Pelion Connectivity Management 2.0. This will allow their subscribers to run analytics on network performance and device provisioning, as well as automate processes and settings based on a certain amount of data usage or specific timeframe.

“Arm Pelion Connectivity Management’s pre-integrated global MNO partners, seamless integration with our existing network and systems, and new automation engine play an essential role in allowing us to scale our IoT connectivity service for our customers,” said Carlos Lourenço, Director Corporate IoT Business Unit, NOS.

In addition to providing these new automation features to MNOs, ARM is also the first mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) to roll out an automation engine directly to global enterprises.