Launch of AI-Enabled Software-Defined Camera along with other IoT Products


Wireless IoT connectivity solutions to improve the performance of connected vehicle systems along with the launch of AI-Enabled Software-Defined Camera to enhance image processing capabilities

Huawei launched its IoT and AI products including M/X camera series, eLTE-IoT and eLTE-DSA Solution to accelerate digital enterprise transformation.

AI-enabled (SDC)

Huawei released the M/X series, an AI-enabled software-defined camera (SDC) to monitor the vast area coverage and can improve image processing capabilities.

These cameras have been cultivated with some of the features like environment adaptive operations where it has preset parameter configuration for the daytime, night time and in different weather such as cloud, rain, and snow. When detecting time or weather changes, the cameras automatically adjust parameter settings to ensure video quality. No manual intervention is needed, which significantly improves the system operating efficiency.

Unlike other traditional cameras, it has front-end Intelligence that can dynamically load algorithms to run multiple applications. Additionally, incorporated with continuous evolution where it allows online upgrades to ensure continuous operation ultimately lead to fewer interruptions.

To cope with the fast evolving technological needs

The company gave a green signal to the launch of eLTE-IoT and eLTE-DSA solution to improve performance and upgrade the platforms. Along with that it initially launched the OceanConnect IoT platform which is now being upgraded to support connected vehicle systems.

Their IoT solution includes wired and wireless connectivity, edge computing, and chipset (LiteOS) modules and is continually working to advance the solution in order to meet the fast-evolving enterprise needs.

The upgraded eLTE-IoT solution uses technological innovation to further improve its performance while eLTE-DSA solution uses Discrete Spectrum Aggregation (DSA) technology to create a large bandwidth spectrum through the convergence of small spectrums. Therefore the solution now covers a radius of 10 km with 10% stronger signals and supports the aggregation of all the 280 spectrums around 230 MHz with the reduction of air interface latency to 20ms.

Key points for better digital vehicle connectivity

For the digital engine of intelligent and connected vehicles, this OceanConnect IoV platform provides four key enablers for the transformation of manufacturers.

The first key is ‘Connectivity Enablement’ where it provides a platform for safe and reliable connectivity for vehicles, supporting hundreds of millions of connections and concurrent access from millions of vehicles. The second key is ‘Data Enablement’ which uses the platform to collect vehicles status, driving behaviour and analyses the data to create profiles of drivers and on the cloud.

Heading towards third and fourth key, they are ‘Ecosystem Enablement’ and ‘Evolution Enablement’ which helps automotive companies to control their digital assets, converge third-party content and applications. They are also aimed to build a thriving ecosystem around their business and evolve the intelligent experience for drivers while delivering new levels of safety and efficiency.

AI applications have been widely used in almost all industries. Auto-pilot, unmanned supermarkets, intelligent voice assistants and more. It has become a nuclear power plant that drives digital industry transformation and its development will depend on data, algorithms and computing power.