Nokian Tyres Intuitu Incorporates Sensors For Digital Tyre Monitoring

  • Leveraging the IoT technology, the company has rolled out smart tyres that maintaining vehicle efficiency.
  • Agriculture industry will hugely benefit from it.

Nokian Tyres Intuitu, a Finland-based company that manufactures tyres for rugged environments, has taken the initiative for establishing a digital, real-time tyre management system.  

 “We have aimed to make the system plug & play”, says Toni Silfverberg, Head of Sales & Marketing at Nokian Tyres. “You just buy the tyres, install the application and you are good to go.”

How it works

The sensor-equipped smart tyres transmit pressure and temperature data to an application running on a mobile device and cloud-based data storage. The system does not require any modifications to the vehicle itself but only the tyres with sensors and the mobile device.


 “The first and most obvious one is the end-user working day”, says Silfverberg. “The application gives the drivers peace of mind by keeping them informed about the tyre pressure and temperature, helping to prevent tyre damage and warning about possible anomalies. Keeping the tyres in good condition keeps the machinery operational, minimises downtime and other damage related costs.”

On a business level, Nokian Tyres Intuitu provides data for decision-making and monitoring the entire fleet efficiency. “A fleet manager wants to keep everything rolling with minimal unexpected downtime and maximal safety and profitability.” Silfverberg says.

With respect to the farming and logistics businesses, Silfverberg adds, “The optimal tyre pressure prevents damage to the soil, which can improve crop yields. It is also linked to the tyre rolling resistance, which has a direct effect to fuel consumption.”

Future roadmap

Nokian Tyres Intuitu plans include more features and functions such as wear measurement and integrating machine’s operating software into the company systems. “In the future, there may be a separate tire data section on a tractor or forestry machine screen, providing crucial data for both the operator and the fleet manager”, Silfverberg envisions.

Nokian Tyres Intuitu will be presented at the Agritechnica fair in November 2019, and the product will be commercially available in 2020, starting with small-to-medium sized contracting and farming enterprises.