IoT Security Framework for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure


Released under a common criteria licensing agreement, the IoTSI framework can be implemented without licensing costs

Its time for safety in smart cities,as The Internet of Things Security Institute (IoTSI) has recently released an IoT security framework for smart cities and critical infrastructure which will facilitate the secure and safe deployment of IoT & IIOT eco-systems.

IoTSI is a not-for-profit academic and industry body dedicated to providing frameworks and supporting educational services in managing security within an IoT eco-system.

The Institute’s President Alan Mihalic said that the objective of the IoTSI is to provide the cyber and privacy frameworks that can be implemented from the base build through to the build completion.

Licensing agreement

Released under a common criteria licensing agreement, the IoTSI framework can be implemented without licensing costs or additional charges.

Mihalic has said that the IoTSI does not even charge membership dues. Though the framework is not a commercial offering,he is expecting that there’ll be organizations that will provide professional services to assist with the framework’s deployment.